
Ishmael Beah on Storytelling and Activism

Ishmael Beah is a Sierra Leonean novelist and human rights activist. His memoir, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, details his journey from a child soldier during Sierra Leone’s brutal civil war, to a new life in the United States. He has gone on to publish two more books, Radiance of Tomorrow, and Little Family. Beah’s stories always bring into focus the realities of people considered to be on the margins and give readers a deeper understanding of the complexities of everyday lives. In this conversation with Poda-Poda Stories (via skype), he shares why it is important to write such stories, and why we need more Sierra Leonean storytellers on the global literary scene. 

Poda-Poda: Thank you Ishmael Beah for being a part of this. If you could just start by telling us a little bit about yourself and your background.

IB: I am Ishmael Beah. I am a Sierra Leonean. I am a New York Times and international Bestselling Author. I’ve written three books to date. The first one was out in 2007, called A Long Way Gone; Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, that recounted my experiences of the war in Sierra Leone. I then continued with a novel called Radiance of Tomorrow that looked at how people return to places that have been devastated by war. And the latest book is also novel called Little Family, that is set in an unnamed African country, but Sierra Leone is the main inspiration behind it, and it came out at the end of April this year (2020) in the midst of all this crisis. I am also a UNICEF Goodwill ambassador, specifically for children affected by war globally. Lastly and most importantly, I am a husband and father of three wonderful children, which of everything that I have achieved, my remarkable family is the one thing that I am the proudest of.

Poda-Poda: Amazing! Tell us about your new book, Little Family. Why did you decide to write this story?

IB: Little Family is about five young people, who have decided to ostracize themselves from society, and live at the margins, to seek freedom, and define what that means to them, in their own way. Over the years, I have lived in Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal and back home again in Sierra Leone, and I was observing how young people are struggling to define themselves.

There are local traditions, systems and values that have collapsed, but then there’s also an importation of new values and ideas from foreigners coming in. So young people find themselves in between, trying to decide what they want to embrace. Do they want to be more traditional or do they want to be more modern, and what that reality means? So, it was really about trying to answer that question that I then created Little Family. I wanted to see whether this is possible, and if it’s not, what is the burden of history?  What is the burden of the place you live in and how do you unshackle yourself from it, and be free in your own way?

Poda-Poda: In this book you’re talking about a group of homeless children. They are the heroes of this story. You really illustrate the humanity of people we often consider to be on the margins of society. These are young people we see and encounter every day, but we don’t really have a window into their lives, and in this book, they have created a space for themselves. I was wondering whether this was a metaphor for building a new future for ourselves, especially as young people in Sierra Leone?

IB:  Absolutely! This was a metaphor, but this was also based on certain observations of reality. I think whenever you decide to ostracize yourself from society, or you don’t like what’s going on, you build your own little family. You build your own group of people who are like-minded, who think the same way, because if you express your feelings and your thoughts to other people who don’t understand, you feel judgement. As human beings, this is how we are. When we live in an environment without a supportive mechanism, we recreate a space that allows that for us. I also wanted to show that people who are at the margins of society are intelligent, but we don’t often think of them that way.

For example, if you encounter a guy who’s selling tissue paper on the street. Every morning, this guy goes to the big store to buy tissue paper, so he can sell it to you and for your convenience of not leaving your car and going to the store. So, this guy is an economist, he understands the market space. But we do not give credit to the intelligence of what it means to survive. When you are surviving, you are an astute observer of a society that’s thriving, because you see the cracks in it, and it’s through those cracks that you survive. So, you’re more aware of it, than the person who is supposedly better off than you.

I wanted to show that intelligence is also not based on education. Education is just so that you can join the workforce. Intelligence is something that you actually have.  So, I wanted to show that there’s brilliance on this continent. Every child that you meet that is fifteen, or sixteen years old, already has a PhD in economics, psychology, and sociology, just to survive daily. I wanted to celebrate that.

Poda-Poda: It’s good to highlight that people on the margins are very intelligent and street smart. It’s also good to show the darker sides as well. You’ve highlighted sexual assault and gender-based violence in your past books, and recently Sierra Leone has been rocked by news of rape and gender-based violence cases. I was wondering what your take was on that, because the people in Little Family are also at the receiving end of the darker sides of our society which include rape and sexual violence, but it’s not always that their stories are brought to the fore. What is your commentary on that?

IB: It’s been very difficult for me to think about this, because I am aware that Sierra Leone has had cases of rampant sexual assault, particularly towards very young girls. The last time I was in Sierra Leone, I was out in Makeni, and there were so many cases where even teachers were abusing their students in schools. Through UNICEF I was dealing with a lot of these cases. I also have two girls, one is six and the other is four, and I think of them when I hear these stories. In my work, I’ve tried to show how, in Sierra Leone , there has been a behaviour that has been accepted, especially from the male point of view, to sexualize and disrespect women and girls, even when they are as young as three years old.  For example, you’ll go to parties and the music is playing, and someone will say “ ay bo, call da pikin leh e kam shake am for we” . This is where it begins. What we don’t realise is that we are doing certain things that are leading to this. While we need to educate young boys to respect young women, there are even older women who also perpetuate these attitudes and beliefs. I have witnessed a grandmother, a mother or an aunt tell a girl “tell da you man de leh e sen for me ya”. So there are so many things that we need to work on. And it really needs to come from respecting women, understanding that women are not products to be married off, or to have as girlfriends, but that also they are intelligent members of society that contribute to it. They’ve done it in history, and they will continue to do so.   

When I write, for example in Little Family, the main character is Khoudiemata, who decided that she is going to be as free as possible, that nobody is going to make her what she doesn’t want to become. So, it’s also good for young women and men to read literature and see stories of women that are not highlighted enough. This( sexual violence) is a very serious issue that needs to be taken up by the entire country, and we need to be honest about what’s going on.

Poda-Poda: And that’s also the power of literature, it gives us the chance to be open and honest about things that are often considered a taboo. Going back to the theme of storytelling and narratives, in your books you’ve highlighted not just your own experiences, but the experiences of many young people in Sierra Leone.  In our attempt to share those stories with a wider audience, how do we stay true to our experiences?  

IB: Well I started writing particularly out of that frustration. I started writing because there were a lot of people writing about Sierra Leone that were not Sierra Leoneans. They visited for maybe one or two weeks and then wrote books about Sierra Leone, that didn’t quite paint the full picture. People come to our country and then all of a sudden are seen as the ‘experts’ of our lives, and they shape the way the world conceives who we are. So, my writing really came out of that frustration.

My writing has been to undo some of those things and put the narrative in our hands. We should tell our own stories, our incapabilities and shortcomings. We should be in charge of telling those stories, because when we tell our own stories, we give ourselves agency, we show how multifaceted we are.  This is very important, because it not only shapes how people view us, but also how we think of ourselves. So, I’ve been a big champion of that.  In all the books that I’ve written, none of them are set in the US, all of them are set in Sierra Leone and similar countries. And this is very deliberate. Not that I don’t have stories to tell about the US, but there are other books that tell those stories.

 I want Sierra Leone to have a stronghold in literature. I want other young people to see that’s possible to put that intelligence on paper and keep record of our experiences.  When you write, you always have to write about things that are bigger than yourself. And I think that is why my work has been so successful, because when people read it, they know I’m writing about something that’s bigger than me.  And for young writers in Sierra Leone, this is what I would say to them:  Don’t write because you want to be this “superstar” on your own. Write because you want to see the beauty and complexities of the society we live in, and how people can see themselves in literature.  For example, when I write, I use our names for my characters: Khoudiemata, Mohamed, Salamatu, these are names that are not usually in literature, and I want them to be in literature. And when a girl named Salamatu reads a novel, she’ll say “oh, there’s someone like me”.

Poda-Poda: There have been protests in the United States that have reverberated around the world. The Black Lives Matter protests is fast becoming a global movement. As a black writer living in the US, do you feel a sense of duty to tell the stories of the different layers of blackness, and make those different connections?

IB: Absolutely. Racism is not just an American thing, it’s a global thing. People dislike you because of how you look, because of your blackness. And when it comes to that, it does not matter whether you’re from Sierra Leone, or wherever else. One of the earliest police shootings of black people in New York, was Amadou Diallo, who was from Guinea. And when the police shot him, nobody asked where he was from. He was black, and that is the first thing they saw. So, this idea of blackness is a global thing. Because of how black people have been portrayed through time, through the Point of View ( POV)  of white people, we are not portrayed as people who have intelligence, as people who can succeed .

For me as a writer, there’s a burden and a desire to undo that and to show people the multiple experiences of blackness. Going back to my work, my stories usually don’t have any white people in it and if they do, they are not shown as “white saviours” because we save ourselves. So, I want to show that we can exists without the POV of white people. We don’t need them to live or imagine, we’ve always lived and imagined as people.

Poda-Poda: Speaking of blackness and visibility, and looking inwards, how can we make those connections as Sierra Leonean creatives at home and in the diaspora, while decentring the white gaze and focusing on ourselves?

IB: That is what I’ve been doing over the years. Every time I put something out, I try to collaborate with other black writers, so that we can have more of us telling more of our stories. Clearly, I am one person, so my work will always be from my own point of view. So, I’ve been trying to encourage young writers back home to also put their work out there.

One of the things that I did in my new book is that I wanted the characters to have a visual representation. I asked my publisher to look for an African black woman creator (illustration and drawing) to draw the characters in Little Family. And luckily, they found Ngadi Smart, a Sierra Leonean illustrator. And she drew these amazing photos of the characters. So now the publishers know that there is this Sierra Leonean illustrator who we can hire for my next projects.  For me, each time I do a project, I throw a hook out there to bring somebody to the forefront. And it’s very important to do that so that people can see the breadth of our intelligence on the continent.

Poda-Poda: We definitely need more of us telling out stories. What advice would you give to aspiring writers from Sierra Leone?

IB: Read a lot! Read a lot of what other people are writing. If you can, find a mentor and a circle of people who can review your work for you. Write your own truth, write your own stories. Don’t let anybody tell you that you cannot do it. Because I also know that we come from a culture where, there’s very little encouragement in the creative space. People will try to push you down or say that you are not good enough.  When I first expressed that I wanted to write, I had some of my friends in Sierra Leone who tried to discourage me. But I thought to myself “why not?”. So, find people who are going to encourage you for your craft and not people who are going to push you down. You have to surround yourself with people who can empower you. Your platform (Poda-Poda) is a remarkable one, and there are people creating these sorts of mediums, for people to showcase their work. So, write, read, and find spaces that will support you.

Poda-Poda: A question I always ask writers is, how has writing saved your life?

IB: It saved my life in many ways. How I started writing was that I came to the US in 1998, and I was adopted into a white Jewish family. And I had left the war in Sierra Leone, and I had nothing. All I had was my Sierra Leone passport. And it was very difficult to get into school, because I didn’t have a report card or any school records. And even though I could stand in front of people and speak English to them very well, it wasn’t sufficient for them, because they still needed proof that I had been in school before. So, I started writing to show that parts of me had existed before people met me in the US. And I remember my first essay was titled “Why I do not have a report card”, because most people kept asking me. This essay was a window for me to explain that when you’re running for your life, you don’t’ think of your report card !

So, writing for was a way to show who I was before people in the US met me, and to correct whatever perception they had of other people from my country. Writing has saved my life by allowing me to show people that I am as human, as intelligent, and as complicated as they are and that people from my country are not one-dimensional. For example, when we had Ebola, there were so many western journalists writing a lot of nonsense about Sierra Leone, I had to jump in, and I wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post. So, writing has always been a way to reassert our humanity in other people’s mindsets.

Poda-Poda: What is the one thing you miss about Sierra Leone?

IB: Oh, I miss everything. There’s something about Sierra Leone that you cannot find anywhere else, at least for me. Everybody is a natural comedian and natural storyteller, and every encounter is always interesting, especially for me as a writer.  There’s so much passion in everything. Even in our difficulties, we have passion and humor. I miss that. I miss that people have discussions about the most meaningless things. I miss the food. I miss our mannerisms, how laidback people are. I miss speaking Krio. I miss speaking Mende. Our languages are constantly evolving and there’s so much musicality in them. I can go on and on. I miss everything.  

Find our more about Ishmael Beah’s work on .

Questions and Interview by Ngozi Cole.

Siana Bangura on Identity and Creative Collaboration

Siana Bangura is a writer, producer, performer, and community organiser hailing from South East London, now living, working, and creating between London and the West Midlands. Siana is originally from Sierra Leone and moved to London with her mother when she was two years old. Her creative work focuses on the intersection of race, class and gender, and the hybridity of identity. Siana is the founder and former editor of Black British Feminist platform, No Fly on the WALL; she is the author of poetry collection, ‘Elephant’; and the producer of ‘1500 & Counting’, a documentary film investigating deaths in custody and police brutality in the UK. 

Poda-Poda Stories spoke with Siana about her creative journey and embracing her Sierra Leonean heritage.

Poda-Poda: Tell us about yourself, your background and your work.

Siana: I’m originally from Freetown Sierra Leone, but I grew up in Southeast London and I now live and work between London and the West Midlands.  I am a writer and a producer primarily, but these are umbrella terms for a number of things. I also have a journalistic background and social commentary is very key to my work as a producer. I’ve been producing theatre since 2014 and I was catapulted into the world of film in 2015 after the death of Sheku Bayoh in Scotland and feeling the need to document his story.  I'm a community organiser and I campaign  on issues focusing on the intersection between race, class and gender in the UK and in the diaspora. I also cast a lens on other issues such as the arms trade , gentrification and climate justice – I’m always connecting the dots. Obviously, we're in this moment of Black Lives Matter, so I’m doing a lot of work organising around that.

I am the  author of ‘Elephant’ , a poetry collection published in 2016 , which is very much a meditation on Black British womanhood and girlhood, a reflection on being an immigrant as well as reflections on my relationship to Sierra Leone and to South London .

My most recent offering is a play called ‘Layila!’ the story of Aminata.

Whatever form my work takes, it’s really all about making sure that I'm centring voices and stories of those on the margins. So for me, I’m all about decentring whiteness and decentring white men because they are the centre of everything and they shouldn’t be.

One project that I ran for a number of years was a platform called No Fly on the WALL and that was created for Black British women and Black women living in the UK, which I founded in  2013. It was my first online platform, which then turned into an offline community. That was in the early days of Black Twitter - we met in person and had these really powerful community conversations, community circles and sista circles at a place called Common House. A lot of the people who were part of that community have gone on to do some amazing and impressive things. Some folks have stayed connected, launched projects together, and some have even gotten married!

Poda-Poda: Your book of poetry, ‘Elephant’, is described as a collection about womanhood, Black Feminism, racism, and identity to gentrification, changing urban landscapes, and love inhibited by patriarchal norms. How have your experiences as a black British shaped your writing and creative process? Would you describe it as a love letter to yourself as a black woman?

 Siana: Definitely. Yeah, I think the way I like to describe it is as a meditation. I am reflecting on all these aspects of womanhood, of Black womanhood and that includes girlhood too. The way I put the work together is very intentional. The beginning includes meditations on migrating from Freetown, Sierra Leone to London with my mum as well as memoirs of growing up in southeast London and going to school in Elephant and Castle. The collection is semi-autobiographical, so there is truth as well as creative license of course.

Even the title ‘Elephant’ is meaningful to me. I am paying homage to the fact I'm from in and around the Elephant and Castle area, where I went to school and school shaped so much of my life, especially my experiences of coming of age. I went to an all-girls school and my blackness was questioned constantly. It was an ongoing battle and challenge to grapple with.

I’m also really fascinated by elephants as an animal. There’s a number of reasons why. I've done a TED Talk about why I love them and it includes the fact that elephants are known to be strongly altruistic creatures. They move through the world emotionally very similarly to human beings. They mourn in similar ways as we do and there are these myths that elephants have a long memory – whether this is true or not, I like the idea of it. Another key theme in my collection is memory.

I often use elephants as a metaphor in my work for remembering. The title poem in my collection  ends with the lines, ‘This is what it's like to be an elephant I guess/ To live forever / And to always remember’. My book is very much part of a canon of work by people who have migrated and who have to accept that they are a hybrid of cultures and experiences. That means if I'm in Sierra Leone, I'm considered a JC (just arrived person) and they’ll be laughing at my Krio. But then I also understand that in this country, I am a fusion of things - British is just about as good as it gets for you here if you are not white. I recall only one time in my life where I've ever called myself English, and the way I was looked at, I knew I could never do that again. I'm not English. The hybridity of identity is another thing that I meditate on often, including in my writing.  

Poda-Poda:  You’re involved in so many different things, what is your creative process?

 Siana: That’s a good question, and I think it really depends.  There’s organised chaos to some of it but I have an abundance of notebooks and I always start with an idea when it comes to writing.

So with my play, ‘Layila!’, it was on my mind to write it for five years, but then the time came last year where I was able to finally actually write it and then this year I  turned it into an audio play whilst in lockdown. I was an artist in residence at a theatre in Birmingham, UK, and I wrote the play as part of that process. Then in June and November 2019 we put it on stage and the next step was for me to bring it to London, but then the coronavirus outbreak happened. We don't know when theatres are going to be back on their feet . I was very disappointed. But I turned those feelings of disappointment around. Two weeks before Sierra Leonean Independence Day this year, I woke up and I was like, ‘you know what? If people can't go to the theatre, I am going to bring the theatre to the people’ and so I did. In two weeks, I pulled together a team and we turned my play into an audio project – it was an intense two-week period and I really enjoyed working with the people involved.

For Elephant, I used to do a lot of touring as a poet, particularly during Black History Month and there was an incident where I was attacked by a racist on a train in Liverpool, UK - I shared the incident online and it went viral. The irony of that moment is that I was trying to get to a performance that night to share some poems that were going be in my book. This racist was trying to silence me , and I said to myself “nah, the world needs to hear what I have to say”. So that just accelerated my process of getting it published.

I have many processes rather than just one when I create work. I often imagine the finished piece and work backwards – the title might come to me first or a key word or phrase or line. Sometimes it’s an image. It really just depends!


Poda-Poda: We recently interviewed the author Namina Forna, and she talked about how certain memories from her childhood in Sierra Leone played out in her book, The Gilded Ones. I’ve been really interested in how writers in the diaspora reproduce memories from their Sierra Leonean background in their work. What was that like for you, especially in the play ‘Layilla!’?

 Siana: I am Sierra Leonean, and my mum has always equipped me with the knowledge of where I'm from. But when you are in the diaspora, there are a lot of  negative connotations around being African, West African especially. When you’re Sierra Leonean, you're either invisibilised within the African diaspora or you are hyper-visible in the form of stereotypes. When I was younger, it felt like nobody had heard of my country. I often get told that I ‘look like’ I’m from South Africa or somewhere in southern Africa. So, there's that invisibility. And then also if there is any visibility, we already know what it is for: Blood Diamonds and Ebola. But there is far more to Sierra Leone than that!

Despite the constant negativity out there, luckily I’ve always had my mum to remind me of the importance of Sierra Leone to British history and actually, the history of the freedom of Black people. In 2016 I was really proud to watch British Historian David Olusoga’s ‘Black and British: A forgotten history’ series, which had a lot in there about Sierra Leone – on primetime TV! I was deeply moved by it.

My quest to contribute to a shift in the narrative around Sierra Leone led me to found a collective in 2015 called The Salone Collective to bring together young Sierra Leonean Creatives. I didn’t understand why we weren’t working together and also why, you may not even realise that someone you have known for ages is actually Sierra Leonean! In 2016, we held an event called ‘Freetown Sounds’, which was a beautiful sharing of our culture. Some of the collective’s members included griot, rapper and storyteller Alim Kamara, singer-songwriter Asabi Hawah, poet Saraiya Bah, and photographer Adama Jalloh, to name just a few.

Then after the mudslides tragedy in August 2017, Abu Yillah and I co-founded the Sierra Leone Arts & Culture festival (#SLACFest) as part of wider collective efforts to raise funds in response to that tragedy. Then from there the festival has continued and has grown under the Young Salone brand and the collective involved in that are doing amazing things and bringing together young Sierra Leoneans at home and in the diaspora.

I’m really glad to see the landscape changing finally .

Reflecting on my recent work, when I was writing ‘Layila!’, I also started to think about grief and loss and identity and how our mothers and grandmothers are the keepers of culture. That is very true in my case. The protagonist is a very much modelled on a younger version of myself and the character Grandma, is modelled a little bit on my maternal grandma.

Creativity is a type of alchemy, you know? You’re kind of just bringing these different elements together to create something powerful.


Poda-Poda: There have been protests globally around racial injustice, white supremacy, and racial discrimination, against black people. How can black artists, writers, creatives, continue to amplify black voices globally, using art and creativity?

 Siana: We're already doing it. It's a fact that Black people are the culture.

And what we're seeing now in this moment of Black lives matter is that people love our culture but don’t care about Black lives – and haven’t for hundreds of years. Well, if you love our culture, you need to pull up and also be here for our struggles. No more looking away. Valuing Black lives includes not just treating us as a commodity – people to keep taking from.

Black artists need to just carry on supporting each other and making sure we’re amplifying the voices back home: looking to the continent, looking  to the Caribbean , and  highlighting artists and writers and creators who live in those places as well. We need to connect the dots. That’s what Young Salone is doing - making sure they're connecting people in Sierra Leone with folks outside of Sierra Leone and championing our culture and our language too.

In fact, right now my favourite song is ‘Move Right’, by Big Zuu and Drizilik – what a fire link up! Hearing that song being played on the radio, hearing sweet sweet Krio in the airwaves in the UK, means so much to me. It makes me feel so proud.

Whenever we are in positions of power and influence, we need to ensure we are bringing other Black folk along with us – never accept that there is only ever room for one of us. It’s a damn lie. There is always strength in numbers.

 Poda-Poda: I saw something online that said something like we've spent so much time saying we need to make ourselves visible , but we are already visible to each other. So I think it's time that we just start focusing on our own spaces…

Siana:  Yes. We need to not be scared of each other because we are talking about our communities here. We were taught there is only space for one of us, so you need to fight for that space. We must resist that narrative of unnecessary competition and scarcity.

 Poda-Poda: There’s often this idea, that the struggles of black people in the diaspora against racism, aren’t necessarily an ‘African’ problem. As a daughter of the soil (from Sierra Leone) and a black British creative, how do you think we can transcend those lines?

Burna Boy’s mum, Bose Ogulu once said ‘Every Black person should please remember that you were Africans before you were anything else’.

She is right, never forget that even though many have been displaced, we’re all still originally from the continent. I think it's just that understanding that our roots are the same and it's really important that we care about each other. If all Back people are not free, you are not free. It's simple as that. Quoting MLK, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. The struggles of all sorts of minoritised groups, are important, and are connected.

Poda-Poda: How has writing saved your life?

Siana:  Wow! [Pauses]

I agree writing has definitely saved my life many times over. It's such a powerful question. If you write, you have a voice. So writing has given me a voice. I'm an extrovert, but I also have my introverted ways, especially when I was younger. Writing has always been a key mode of expression for me. Writing is how I make sense of the world and how I archive my experiences of it. It's given me a sense of power in myself and my ability to document my life and the lives of others in this time. I take the duty of a writer and a creative very seriously.

Writing has given me the space to explore all these types of stories and to make sense of the world in a way that I couldn't do otherwise.

Find out more about Siana’s work at

Questions and Interview by Ngozi Cole.